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Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Blogger Comments and Backlinks - Do Follow?

I lately changed my new Blogger's comment from 'nofollow' to be 'dofollow'. What is 'nofollow' and 'dofollow'? Well, 'nofollow' is an attribute of HTML tag that will stop search engines to follow the link you've left in the comment section. That means you will not be benefited as a one-way link to your blog/website. 'Dofollow', on the other hand, is opposite. Your link would be treated as one-way link. Search engines will follow your link and crawl it. The more one-way links point to your blog/website, the more important the search engines will consider your blog/website to be. Thus it will increase your pagerank.

Although applying 'dofollow' might not be good to your blog/website in terms of pagerank, I see the potential benefits behind it. This will encourage more people to leave comments in your blog/website, thus search engines will pick up some long tail keywords for your blog/website. This implies that your blog/website will get more organic traffic from search engines. As we all knew Google's new Blogger has built in 'nofollow' attribute in its system. If you like to change yours, it is pretty easy to implement it.

  • Click on Layout/Edit HTML. Back up your HTML before you start. See the screenshot below: Layout/Edit HTML/Backup Template
  • Tick to expand your HTML. See the screenshot below: Expand Widget Template
  • Find the following codes from your HTML editor. You can hold Ctrl and hit F at the same time to bring up a search box, then copy and paste respectively the following line to find them. The first one is for the commenter's url and the second one is for backlink's url:
    <a expr:href="data:comment.authorUrl" rel="nofollow"><data:comment.author/></a>

    <a expr:href="data:backlink.url" rel="nofollow"><data:backlink.title/></a>
  • Change these two rel="nofollow" to be rel="follow" respectively or delete the whole thing because no attribute in HTML has the same effect as 'dofollow'
  • Save your template by hitting SAVE TEMPLATE button.
Will you change your blog/website to be 'dofollow'? Why or why not? Please leave your comments below.

Related article:
How to Make a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog DoFollow?


Anonymous said...

Nice Tip, !!

I'm using do follow to, :D..

wanna exchange link with me ?

Lana said...

Thanks for your comment.
I love to exchange link with you. Your site looks very helpful to bloggers.
Just added your link here:
Check it out yourself.

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