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Saturday, March 22, 2008

How to Set Up FTP to Transfer Files?

What is FTP? Well, it simply stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP allows you to upload and download files from your personal computer to your web server or vice versa. If you have a website, setting up FTP to transfer your files will make your life easier. There is a plenty of FTP software available on the Internet. Some of them are Free while others require you to pay. I personally love to use FireFTP because it is Free. It comes with FireFox with Google Toolbar.

Most servers provide a FTP account that you can set it up online. I use midPhase as my web host. Its forum provided an informative FTP tutorial. I followed its instructions and set up my FireFTP account. They are pretty straightforward. If you like to use FireFTP like me, you can set up your FTP by following these step-by-step instructions here. After that enjoy uploading or downloading files by exploring it.

Some other resourceful sites are listing below:

  • Tutorial: FTP - it's easy as 1-2-3 - Tutorial: FTP - it's easy as 1-2-3. One of the most daunting tasks for beginning bloggers and web site owners is figuring out how to get files from their ...
  • FTP Help - FTP Tutorials. Use the following links to access tutorials on the use of several popular FTP clients:. CoffeeCup · Composer (Netscape) · CuteFTP · IE ...
  • Free FTP and Secure FTP (SFTP) Clients - Reviews of Free FTP, secure FTP and download managers that you can use either to download content from the Internet or upload files to your website.
In a word, setting up FTP is a must especially if you run a website. I've been using FireFTP since October, 2007; and I have no complaints about it.


→Software← said...

Can use FTP To Transfer Files On BlogSpot

Lana said...

There is no need to use FTP for BlogSpot blogs since you don't have access to its server. You can download your entire HTML file to your PC or upload it to your BlogSpot account. More specifically from Layout/Edit HTML page and that's all. So FTP is mainly used for self-hosting blogs/sites.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lanna this helped me figure out my ftp site for editing our web pages. Do you hvae any experience with services like Sharefile or Leapfile? We don't feel comfortable giving clients access to our ftp site, and emailing files back and forth has been a major problem.

Lana said...

Sorry for some reason I overlooked your comment. About your question, I don't have any experience with services like Sharefile or Leapfile. Maybe you can just set up a ftp only for your clients to access?

Thanks for stopping by. And your link is not working for some reason.

Rachat de credit said...

Many thanks for the tutorial, this guide was very important for me to gain knowledge of how to set up ftp to transfer files?. Cheers

Lana said...

You are welcome. Happy to know I can help.

allsafe said...

How do you set up ftp to take on board and recognise sql files...suppose am asking what is the routing protocol. G

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