I have to install one of my Joomla! sites manually because Fantastico De Luxe in my server is no longer working. After I uploaded my Joomla! files to my server (using FTP), I typed my website's url in the browser; it automatically directed me to the Joomla! installation page which allowed me to have pre-installation checked all my files' permissions. Everything is writable (green color) except Session Save Path which is unwritable (red color). If you leave it alone not to fix it, it will cause back end login problem. So it cannot be ignored.
I searched the web for a solution, this article has covered pretty much every case; but it did not solve mine. I have to create a folder called session in the same directory as configuration.php is (using FTP), then I have to download index.php, which is in installation folder, to my local computer. It is important that you make a copy and save it somewhere else before you go on. Then I have to find the codes below:
<td class="item"> Session save path </td> <td align="left" valign="top"> <?php echo is_writable( $sp ) ? '<b><font color="green">Writeable</font></b>' : '<b><font color="red">Unwriteable</font></b>';?> </td> |
and replace them with the following codes:
<td class="item"> Session save path </td> <td align="left"> <b><?php ini_set('session.save_path','/home/airlinet/public_html/intetnet/session'); ?></b>, <b><?php echo (($sp=ini_get('session.save_path'))?$sp:'Not set'); ?></b>, <?php echo is_writable( $sp ) ? '<b><font color="green">Writeable</font></b>' : '<b><font color="red">Unwriteable</font></b>';?> </td> |
Pay attention to the red color path, find yours from your web server and replace it. After I edited and saved index.php, I uploaded it back to installation folder. I refreshed the screen that had given me Session Save Path Unwritable. Hooray! It turned Unwritable (red color) to be Writable (green color). Hope this tip can help someone who encountered the same problem as I had. Like to discuss more, please leave your comments here.