
Custom Search

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Search Engine Optimization - Part 1

Time flies! It has been three months now. This week I've been reading an eBook called Search Engine Optimization Make Easy by Brad Callen, who is an expert in this field. This eBook has ninety pages covering ten chapters. It provided invaluable information of how to get your new website ranked the number one in Google.

First download a free Good Keyword Tool here. You must have this tool in order to optimize your website. Second you can download Google Toolbar with Mozilla FireFox here. It is also free. With Google Toolbar you can check out any website's page rank. Using Mozilla FireFox's FireFTP you can download or upload files to your website's server.

There are two types of search engine optimization methods; namely on-page and off-page optimization. With onpage optimization you have to look out for these five key things:

  1. Make sure you place your keyword(s) in a <h1> header tag.
  2. Make sure you place your main keyword (s) in a <title> tag of your website and there should be no more than 60 to 65 characters in it.
  3. Make sure you bold, underline, or italicize your keyword(s) anywhere in the body of your website.
  4. Make sure you place your keyword(s) in an <alt> image tag if you use an image.
  5. Make sure you place your keyword(s) once at the very beginning of your website and once at the very end of your website. Keywords should be 1% of your total content.
I will cover off-page optimization next week.

Related article:
Search Engine Optimization - Follow-Ups


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