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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Error Free from W3.org?

I think it is good practice to check your blog/website regularly with W3.org - a world wide web consortium that enables you to check your blog/website for errors. You can check various kinds of errors using its Markup Validator, Link Checker, and CSS Validator.

However it is time consuming to fix those errors. A best way to handle those errors is to use a program called HTML Tidy. There are two versions for HTML Tidy: you can choose to run it in Windows or Dos. It is probably better to run it in Windows since you do not have to use commends to run it. It is impossible to make your blog/website to be error free unless you are expert at it. I am still working to eliminate errors as little as possible. Warning: before you make any attempt to fix any error with HTML Tidy, make sure you backup your HTML file.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Earn Money Online With BANS?

What is BANS?

Have you ever heard Build a Niche Store (BANS)? I've been researching and found a lot of positive things about it. So what is BANS actually? It is a software which enables you to build content based stores/websites that generate income through the eBay affiliate programs.

How does BANS work?

After you pay one-time-fee for the software ($97), you'll receive an "unlimited site license" which allows you to build as many stores as you want. BANS will never charge you another licensing fee for any other niche stores you build and its support is superior from its private forum.

What are the requirements for building BANS?

First of all you need to be an eBay affiliate registered through the eBay Partner Network. You will also need Linux/Unix hosting with MySQL database access. BANS is created based on using a website host called HostGator; but you can use other hosts as well. You will need your own domain name. You can get cheaper deals from GoDaddy but don't host your website with it. I heard people have problems hosting with it. The user manual from BANS explains all of this in more depth. If you are new to building websites, it will walk you through registering your first domain name and setting up your hosting account.

What is BANS's refund policy?

Build a Niche Store is a software sold through ClickBank.com - a specialized retailer of online digital products. For any reason that you don't like this software, ClickBank will allow you to get your refund back within 8 weeks from the date of purchase. After 8 weeks all sales are final.

Update: Some web hosts offer the first domain Free if it is the first time that you sign up a plan with them. For more details, check out HostMonster.com and Dotster.com here.

Related articles
Create a Store Using BANS Software
Which Web Hosting is Good For Your Website or Blog?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to Optimize Your Joomla! Website?

If you have a Joomla! website, you probably realize that you get many duplicated titles and descriptions especially for those pages generating by components. How can you avoid situations like that? There is one unique way to solve these problems but first you need to install Sh404Sef. If you did not install it yet, this post, Which Joomla! Sef is better? OpenSEF or Sh404SEF?, will show you how.

Now that you've installed Sh404Sef, you need to login to your Joomla! administrator's interface (backend).

  • Click on Components/sh404SEF on the menu bar.
  • A new interface is open; click on View/Edit SEF Urls.
  • Select the item you want to optimize; click on New Meta.
  • Type in a title in a Title tag, a description in a Description tag, and keywords in Keywords tag.
  • Click Save which is at the upper right hand side corner to save it.
You have to repeat the last three steps for each of the items you want to optimize. After that you can check each of your website pages by clicking on it; then select View/Page Source from your browser's menu bar; you can see that each page has its own title, description, and keywords. Thus avoid duplicated title, description, and keywords.

For the home page, click on Components/sh404SEF on the menu bar from backend; click on Home page Meta which is on the upper right hand side corner; type in main title in a Title tag, main descriptions in a Description tag, and keywords in Keywords tag. Have something to say about this topic, feel free to leave your comment(s).

Related article
How to Control Title Tags and Metadata Description in Joomla

Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Drop Down Menu for Your New Blogger

Want to have a drop down menu for your New Blogger? I've just implemented it on this blog. Check it on the right siderbar. It will save a lot of space for your blog/website. The following blogs/sites provide resourceful information that you can learn to implement drop down menu for your New Blogger:

Now go ahead and create your own drop down menu. Enjoy blogging!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Translate Your Blog/Website in Different Languages - Part 2

Last week I wrote Translate Your Blog/Website in Different Languages - Part 1; and I promise you that there is an update for it. Here I am going to provide you more languages with their related country flags. You can just add the following codes to the end of the codes you've got last week or just incorporate them the way you like.

Hope you find this post useful. Check the outcome of the different country flags on the right side bar. I just added to the end of the codes I'd got last week. Any questions, you know where to ask.

Relate article
How to Implement Google’s Translation on WordPress.com Blog?


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